Cases in texmacs
Cases in texmacs

cases in texmacs

If I'm lecturing on Zoom I usually use the graphics editor to illustrate some ideas ( see some examples here.

cases in texmacs

Lately it never blow in my face and if a speaker is writing on a blackboard I can essentially copy his drawings. The graphics editor was buggy, but I find quite stable now. For more fancy workflows a user developed a Markdown converted so that he can write his articles in TeXmacs and then use them with Hugo (here the result ) The typeface and the colors are defined in CSS, so you can provide those of your likings. If you do not like the colors you can always change them. If you strive for minimialism (with a touch of style) I can see hardly how you can more minimal. This workflow has some advantages and some users adopted it for their own blogs ( ). The content can be edited directly in TeXmacs and the hyperlinks works connecting the TeXmacs documents, so you can navigate and edit the website from within the program. Actually as I wrote in another comment all the TeXmacs website, the blog in which the article appears, the web page of the main developer and some other websites are completely generated within TeXmacs with no assistance whatsoever from external static site generators. > I bet this article itself was written in texmacs and exported to html. It was properly working in ~1999, it works now and it will work as long as a minimal C++ compiler works. Even in current times we see few reason to move to Unicode, all the TeXmacs internals are independent from external libraries or tools. The reason is simple: TeXmacs was initiated before Unicode was widely supported (~1998). TeXmacs do not use UTF-8 (or any other Unicode encoding) internally but support an arbitrary, extensible encoding (much like Unicode) which can be converted to Unicode without problems. Comments and suggestions for improvements are welcome. You can check the quality of the HTML export by looking at TeXmacs website ( ) and at the blog ( ) or also at this other blog ( ) or at the webpage of Joris van der Hoeven, the main developer ( ). The exported HTML human-readable (although with some CSS here and there) like the LaTeX export (who say the contrary has visibly never used TeXmacs, at least recently). TeXmacs can export HTML with math in MathML (since 2005), MathJaX or images according to user preferences. Wikipedia pages) including proper recovery of mathematical formulas from MathJaX or MathML. I'm not sure I understand a use case for lossless reverse HTML import.


I spend maybe months to work on a paper in TeXmacs and at most only 1h in LaTeX when I really need to because editors are become used to require from the authors the work a professional typesetter would have done in the past. if one day editors will decide to use XML as submission format, then what? I do not want to think about mathematics with a screen divided in two parts, and the quality of the process is also very important to me.


Using the submission requirements as an argument seems so wrong to me, it is like saying: since the final format is PDF we need to write our ideas directly in PDF. If you need to do algebraic manipulations, then it is more convenient to copy/paste on the screen that to rewrite the same equation several times with small variations on the paper. Most of my presentations are also written in TeXmacs and in these days I use it to teach via Zoom, or to discuss with colleagues/students, make computations, etc. If I need to collaborate on a file which is being written in LaTeX I write my parts in TeXmacs and then I paste them in the file. Three of my students wrote their PhD thesis with TeXmacs, and at least two/three other people I know. It takes usually from 1 to maybe 10 min to have the file ready, maybe small tweaks for some bugs which I report and then get corrected. Conversion to LaTeX format happens in the last stage of the submission (to arXiv or to a journal). TeXniscope, a previewer for DVI/PDF files in the early times of MacOS).


At least I do not want to use LaTeX anymore (note that I've been hardcore LaTeX users for long time and also developed software to support LaTeX, e.g. I think most of the discussion in this thread does not report any real current experience using it. Similarly all the lecture notes in this page: More in detail, all these papers are been written completely in TeXmacs and then converted to LaTeX to be put in arXiv: Most of my papers in the last 7 years, around 15 and all my lectures in the same period, circa 2 courses a year. I generally use TeXmacs for notes, derivations, lectures, articles, all, of course.

Cases in texmacs